Monday, September 5, 2011

Marriott Hotel

There are many reasons to keep old buildings for future generations. There are also many reasons to take these same buildings down if they have no use in the community already. The area that would be developed into the Marriott Hotel is one that I am for. This area not only looks bad, but will help bring more people into the area during high volume seasons. This, at least in Milwaukee, being the months of May to September. Many hotels oversell on these nights (if not all) based on a % they go by from the previous year. They do this to try and get the perfect number: 100%. Although, very rarely does this happen. Adding the Marriott Hotel to the mix would employee 175-200 people year-round and would bring in people that aren't just visiting to their restaurant daily.

Wisconsin Avenue is a strong street to have a piece of property on. And it is mainly being taken for granted. More businesses should be investing into it so that people would likely go downtown more. I will agree, there should be more things to do for the area, but that just depends on the person. Some things are word of mouth while others are just from investigating the area and checking things out for yourself. If the building was turned into small shops, who knows how long they would last. It could be a year, maybe a few years, or they could last for hundreds of years. Many small shops don't last long, especially here in Milwaukee. There has to be something unique for a boutique shop to survive on Wisconsin Avenue. Which is why I do not have an issue with the Marriott being placed here. It is pretty hard to shut a whole hotel down, there will always be people coming to Milwaukee.

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